

In this just-completed election cycle, one thing should be clear to everyone: the GOP got thumped.   Their candidate failed to upend Obama.   Their slate failed to retake the Senate, and in fact lost seats.   The Boehner team in the House retained control, but saw the chamber’s approval ranking plummet to historically-low levels while losing, as of this writing, at least six seats.   Tea-party backed candidates who promised to usher in a revolution in 2010 faced the stiffest opposition in both House and Senate races, and it was the rejection of many such candidates that prompted the unlikely spectacle of Democratsretaining seats in red states.

Meanwhile, in this state, the biggest number haunting the California Republican Party is not the 1 percent that have benefited the most under the Bush tax cuts, or the 47 percent figure that Gov. Romney described to a group of millionaire donors.   No, thenumber that should concern them, more than any other, is 29.4 percent:  the historically-low percentage of registeredCalifornia voters who now identify as Republicans.   As I write this, the state GOP is in danger of being so much in the minority that Democrats in Sacramento will be able to ignore them on most measures.

Why did the GOP fail so miserably, especially in the Golden State?   It certainly wasn’t because they didn’t have their advantages.   The President sought reelection in an economic climate that historically dooms incumbents.   The Democrats had far more seats to defend in the Senate than the GOP, many in red states.    And, just two years ago, the highest court in the land had struck down campaign finance law that had placed limits on the amount of money that could be spent by corporations in political campaigns.   A bad economy, far less seats to defend and unlimited cash had Republicans throughout this country salivating at the prospect of capturing the White House and both houses of Congress.

Despite all that, the GOP experienced colossal reversals, especially in California, where the party’s positions are increasingly unappealing to the majority of registered voters.  The views articulated in the GOP state and national platforms, in turn, reflect a party whose base is older, less diverse and (surprisingly) less able to respond to changes in the political environment.    While the Romney campaign and other Republicans attempted to frame this election as a referendum on the economy, time and again GOP candidates at all levels (and especially Tea Party types) were unable to stay “on message”.  

When they went “off message”, GOP candidates invariably either made statements that hurt them with independents, or which solidified Democratic opposition, or both.   On foreign policy, on immigration, on abortion, on marriage equality, over and over again Republicans were forced to own their previous words and deeds in ways that turned off independents.  And, in various schemes at the state level intended to suppress the size of the electorate, GOPlawmakers cemented the resolve of minority voters to do whatever it would taketo turn out and vote against the party that would attempt to make it moredifficult for them to cast a ballot.

That is why, in an election night betting pool, I chose 332 electoral votes.  I had seen for myself the impressive determination of many African-American and Hispanic voters waiting five, six, even eight hours to cast ballots during early voting that had been rather cynically curtailed by Florida Governor Rick Scott.   Unlike other places where either the Justice Department (Texas) or local courts (Pennsylvania) got involved, the people of Florida had largely been unable to stop the GOP-controlled Florida state houses from reducing the number of days of early voting, and they certainly hadn’t been able to convince the state to make extra machines and manpower available in densely-populated, Democrat-leaning urban areas.  

The fact of voter suppression attempts itself had been well-reported by some media, but how registered voters were taking the whole affair was not.  It was my sense that the media was understating the degree to which such tactics (or what is almost as bad, the threat of such tactics) would affect the psyches of the potentially-disenfranchised.   Throughout the country, but especially in Florida, where there was little relief from these ploys, I felt that groups of people were talking in their churches, their barber shops and their neighborhood watering holes about what people in other parts of the state were attempting to do to them.  It was my sense that, just beneath the surface, there was a growing anger that would boil over on Nov. 6th, like soldiers from an exposed nest of fire ants.   My sense of this grew palpable on Sunday night before the election, and by Monday morning I became convinced that this anger would show up at the voting booth in ways that the polls couldn’t quite anticipate.

So, with great confidence on Tuesday evening (around 5:30 in California) I raised the eyebrows of many by boldly predicting 332 votes, based on the assumption that the President would not only take those swing stakes placed in his column by Nate Silver’s “538” model, but that he would take Virginia and Florida.  In a word, I thought there were lots of votes from people who didn’t really love the President’s performance, but who were determined to vote, to stand in line however long it took, to defy the attempts of any “monitors” to intimidate them,  to spite the forces who would attempt to take away “Big Mama’s vote”.

And, if it wasn’t for chronically-strapped Miami-Dade Countyin Florida giving up and going home after midnight on Tuesday, I would’ve seen my bold prediction come true then and there.   As it was, Florida was still officially “too close to call” at the time both Colorado and Ohio broke, “too close to call” at the time Karl Rove had histiff with FOX News analysts, “too close to call” when Governor Romney conceded and still (insert eye roll here) “too close to call” for days after the election.  

What a joke!   I hope the people of Florida look at the stinking turd of governance called Rick Scott* and send him packing when he is up for reelection, because he accomplished a double-whammy:   he snubbed the basic human dignity of many citizens by making it harder from them to vote, and he (yet again) reminded the rest of the nation that the government in Florida still conducts elections like a third-world country   
Thankfully, this time the citizens of Florida reminded this nation that the right to vote is a sacred obligation, a defense of the bonds that unite all of us.  The Romney camp has already conceded this point, but regardless of when the official pronouncement comes, make no mistake:  the Obama team won in Florida.   The President garnered 332 electoral votes, as I predicted.   The high number of electoral votes captured is not a fluke, but in line with the margin of error in what the best models predict.   Romney and the Republicans collided with reality, and (as it always will) reality prevailed.
(* You might wonder how Rick Scott, being so dreadful---his highest approval ratings so far are in the high 30's----how did he ever win election?    Well:  it's because he's a Rich $cott, to the tune of $75 million)
Words: 1,175

Total: 28,624




三重古天樂 said...

酒店經紀 酒店小姐 酒店經紀公司
台北酒店工作 台北酒店經紀人 酒店兼差 酒店兼職 酒店公關便服店 酒店上班 台北酒店上班 酒店打工 酒店工作內容 酒店pt 台北酒店 便服店 禮服店 酒店 酒店工作 酒店上班時間 酒店上班薪水 酒店上班內容 現領 當日領
打工兼職 打工兼差 酒店營業時間 酒店面試

店名と店内の雰囲気のギャップ禮服店 について林奕寛ラオバン酒店(老板=オーナーのこと)に伺ってみると、「そのギャップこそがこの店のコンセプト。伝統的な台湾料理、とくに熱炒のメニューをそのままに、新しいスタイルと空間で提供しています」經紀。一般的な熱炒のような雑然とした店構えとは異なり、店内は明るく清潔打工。スタッフも丁寧で柔らかな物腰なのでのおひとり様や女子同士、そして中国語ができない人 台北酒店經紀でも入りやすい雰囲気です。まさに酒店薪水 、これまでになかった新しいスタイルの熱炒です。たび

梁爵 said...

2019.09.10 酒店經紀:梁曉尊—專業分析酒店工作環境內容
領檯有分: 制服店領檯 和便服店領檯(都是不脫不秀的)
當然薪水上有很大的差異 有坐檯的薪水一定會比較高
再來就是手挽要好 有機會上到檯就必須讓客人留住你。
領檯不需要玩 因為會點領檯的客人也知道領檯只有單純陪酒,上的好一個月領比公關多也不是問題 平均大概十幾萬!!領台一節大約130~140(10分鐘為一節)。便服店的領台因只需帶位 月薪約在3~4萬左右 工作單純但是職缺不多!!要靠關係才能進去!!(如皇親國戚在當總經理等等)
1: 禮服店不需要與制服店公關同檯
2: 禮服店所有小姐都一樣一視同人,自我打扮/服裝自由搭配,好與不好各憑本事
3: 禮服店 (不用脫衣/不用秀舞)
4: 禮服店薪資1節10分鐘170元~190元 大幅調漲 因應市場機制
1.這行就是外表的行業 時常調整自己到最佳狀況 才是面對競爭的不二法門 不怕被其他人比下去^^
2.其實消費者來這 並非要敢玩的女生坐在旁 有時因為要應酬客戶所以來這 他們要的重點是包廂氣氛 熱絡開心最重要,也很多消費者只要酒店小姐在旁倒酒聊心事
3.至於收入多少 當然有基本的先天條件 如:女人外在條件的比例/談吐/氣質/身材 等等
4依照我們的多年經驗 還是取決自己的態度和決心,畢竟這是人的生意 是必須經營的
5.來這行的消費者主力 多為28~45歲左右 因此他們看女人的角度是不同的 因此打扮還是多少花時間去調整喔

梁爵 said...


梁爵 said...

2020.03.20八大行業酒店上班因武漢肺炎 (COVID-19) 疫情持續延燒,對酒店工作帶來衝擊,據酒店打工數據組織 (酒店PT) 的數據顯示,因疫情造成的經濟和酒店S危機,恐將使不少酒店小姐失業人數上升至近10萬人。
酒店S模擬了最壞的情況,若今年酒店經紀成長率下跌7個百分點,則失業人數可能暴增至3萬,超越 2009 年八大行業危機時期失業人數10萬人。
由於疫情爆發帶來的經濟後果轉化為工作時間和工資的減少,預期失業人數恐將持續增加。就業率的下降也意味著工人的大量收入損失。該研究估計,到 2020 年底,收入損失將在 8600 萬至 1億元之間,也將使得酒店S和服務的消費支出下降,進而影響飯局和援交前景。

梁爵 said...


梁爵 said...

2,職場須知 【酒店PT 】因為S的問題!雖然現在已經資訊發達,法律也有各種明確規定了,但是不能否認還是有非常極少數的敗類利用毒品、高利貸、感情(就是所謂的老二酒店經紀)拐騙脅迫一些女性作非自願的 S,但是那都是非常少數,而且會在短時間內就被警方查獲的。我們是經營了二十幾年的酒店經紀公司,不可能為了脅迫姐妹S而將公司信譽毀於一旦。基本上酒店小姐的工作本質就是俗話說的:賣笑不身。姐妹去到別的任何一家酒店經紀公司或是酒店應徵酒店小姐,如果他們用脅迫的方式逼妳做 S 的話,那就直接去檢警單位檢舉告發吧!
3,已婚或是有男朋友.俗話說「如果有頭髮沒有人願意當禿頭」,酒店是一個特種行業,主要工作內容就是服務男性酒店客人,但是感情的獨佔慾望是每一個人都有的,99.9% 的姐妹都是為了經濟壓力才會來酒店打工的,尤其是已婚、有男朋友的姐妹若不是為了錢,怎麼可能會有來酒店上班的念頭?就好像女性也萬萬不能接受自己的男人去牛郎店上班是同樣的道理。
5,年紀與條件問題.如果姐妹已經滿18歲,那這個問題其實根本不是問題,因為酒店小姐身分證上只是一個數字,代表酒店小姐真正的年紀是心態與外表。我十幾年的酒店經驗,也看過不少的酒店小姐,我所知道每一家酒店持續的前三名都是三十多歲的姐妹,年輕辣妹偶爾會有一陣子前三名,不過都只是曇花一現而已,這證明了酒店小姐的年紀不是問題,問題在心態!有了自信之後就剩下外表的問題,有些姐妹說:「老天爺不賞飯吃,就讓我天生長得這樣。」聽起來似乎很有道理,我們撇開可憐的殘障問題不談,我看了很多姐妹的問題就是一個「過於肥胖」的問題,90%的肥胖決不是天生的,讓我不禁想起「只有懶女人沒有醜女人」這句話。所以姐妹們不要只是因為要到酒店上班才注意自己的體態,為了自己的健康與自信,平常就應該隨時注意自己的飲食與運動,如果姐妹們有心調整自己的體態,Trust me,You can make it!