Now, here's a polished submission to our local paper's opinion pages:
Now, here's a polished submission to our local paper's opinion pages:
'Now under way'
Friday, Apr. 03, 2009
Comrades, listen! Progress comes through class struggle and conflict! It is a new day of societal utopianism. The Ministry of Propaganda assures us that the worker's paradise is now upon us! Workers unite! Our time is now! Collectivism is good! The re-education camps are now ready!
The individual is only a tool of the state! Property is theft! Capitalism is bad! Your wages and monies will be benevolently expropriated for the "good of others" -- "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need."
All peons are equal but those who rule are more equal than others!
T.C. Morgan
Well, TC, it seems to me that your letter lacks sufficient exclamation marks.
Try the following: Listen! I have the Truth! I may be the last Christian! Strict! Constructionist! Free! Market! Pro! Life! Conservative! Gibbering! Irony! Challenged! Wackaloon! Left! Standing!
Any questions?
NO, Question marks are for liberals! Exclamation! Point!
Now, here's a polished submission to our local paper's opinion pages: