I've been ridiculously busy since the week before summer vacation ended. This will be an extensive post with many pictures. All cadets will please set their phasers on 'Blackmail' and peruse at their leisure....and, frankly, if you have leisure time as August draws to a close, color me green.
Anyway, the big news is that after living in a rental for nearly a year the wife and I have purchased a home, and we are now doing some basic renovations before we move in. It's approximately 2400 sq. feet, with 4 BR, 3 full BR, a living room and dining room, a decent-sized side yard with a spa, and we think we got it about $20,000 below market value. Hopefully that will give us a bit of a cushion against future market devaluation.
Anyway, the big news is that after living in a rental for nearly a year the wife and I have purchased a home, and we are now doing some basic renovations before we move in. It's approximately 2400 sq. feet, with 4 BR, 3 full BR, a living room and dining room, a decent-sized side yard with a spa, and we think we got it about $20,000 below market value. Hopefully that will give us a bit of a cushion against future market devaluation.
So, for your viewing pleasure, I present a work in progress, with comments:
Here's our tile guy removing the entryway tile, as seen from the living room . . .
The living room was a little dark and confining. Even though it has a window and a fireplace, it could use some more light and openness. We will be adding some cans as well as some light kits to the ceiling fans, but the biggest move is knocking out part of the wall perpindicular to the bar and opening it up to the dining room. There is already a passthrough from the bar area to the dining room, so this just opens it further. The new tile from the entryway on the left will be continued into this room, which was originally carpeted. The walls in here appear painted but they are actually wallpapered a solid color. That's all going to go.
More tile removal, from the bar area on the west side of the living room . . .
Here's the same cutout, as seen from inside the living room next to the bar.
A somewhat washed-out photo of the southern wall of the living room, with the bookcase and the fireplace...and some left-over bits of wood we may or may not keep. We'll decide later. Speaking of later, more pics to come.
2019.11.20台北市知名酒店經紀內幕指出:王姓女子與李姓女子以「在酒店上班賺錢最快,也可以獲取高薪」宣傳酒店打工手法,引誘3名未滿18歲少女加入旗下擔任酒店小姐,還提供住宿並帶少女到「造型概念館」挑選禮服及安排專人化妝後 ,再以她們需酒店上班賺錢償還妝髮、禮服、包鞋等治裝費用為由,帶往酒店工作陪酒從中牟利。檢調調查,39歲的王女從事媒介旗下小姐至酒店坐檯陪酒,以抽取傭金的酒店經紀人工作,明知不得招募大學生酒店兼職、引誘、容留、 媒介、協助、利用或以他法使少女坐檯陪酒或涉及色情之伴遊、伴唱、伴舞、顏射(精子射在臉上) 、口交口爆(精子射在嘴裡) 、戴套肛交進行交易專業精緻化等行為,竟意圖營利,先以無償提供套房住宿、替你買單支付名牌物品及餐費等條件作為報酬,聘僱具相同犯意的24歲李女(綽號「達達」、「金達達」、「卡比」)擔任其助理,負責招募上班族酒店兼職來當酒店小姐、代向各酒店收取旗下小姐坐檯陪酒薪水、擔任司機接送小姐上下班。期間少女每坐檯陪酒1檯1小時,由店家支付850元或900元不等薪資,少女1檯1小時皆實領600元,其餘均為經紀人所得傭金,酒店則另向男客收取包廂費及酒水等費用。檢方指出,王女、李女所為,均係犯違反兒童及少年性剝削防制條例之意圖營利引誘、媒介、協助少女坐檯陪酒罪嫌,被告媒介少女坐檯陪酒利潤為每人每檯250元、每人每天保守以5檯計算約1250元,王女媒介少女陪酒日數約40天,經估算後犯罪所得共計約5萬元,建請院方依法宣告沒收。
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