

When not keeping track of all the new ways that the Dallas Cowboys have discovered to lose games, I also follow politics a tad.

I remain amazed so that so few people in the media will acknowledge the stark truth: namely, that the "Anyone But Mitt" movement in the GOP has legs, and that at least one of those legs should be labeled 'bigotry', as a significant number of evangelical Christians can't abide the thought of a Latter-Day-Saint as standard bearer. But hardly a peep on this publicly from the pundits or the political classes. Instead, you get endlessly-recycled questions about whether Mitt, you know, has the right conservative views or a set of core convictions. Much of this stuff rings hollow with me, because you could say similar things about many of Mitt's rivals. And yet, for some reason, this stuff sticks to him more, and I don't think it's because he's the putative favorite going into primary season. It's because voters are looking for a reason to reject him.

For example, you hear endlessly-parsed discussions about how Mitt is a "flip-flopper" (like Gingrich isn't?), or that he is out-of-touch with the mainstream of his own party (um, um, Ron Paul?), or that he is terribly-beholden to K Street (Shoot, that's almost everybody other than Paul, isn't it?) I watch Rick Perry make mountains out of molehill from Romney's book, where an overly generous reading of a self-congratulatory line out his state's health care (which includes the now-vilified individual mandate) is inflated as proscribing the exact same sort of solution at a federal level....which, really, if you wanted to look at it carefully, it doesn't. And, really, how does the Tea Party think they are going to maintain their impact on the legislature unless they rally behind a candidate that polls show actually has the potential to beat Mr. Obama in 2012? I mean, hello: Bachmann, Perry, Paul, Santorum....those guys don't have what it takes to win in the general election, and everyone knows it.

Still, his offer of $10,000 in an off-hand exchange with Perry last Saturday has both his primary rivals and the Democrats gleeful, and another excuse not to talk about the elephant in the room with the elephantine party, Romney's faith. What a shame.

For the record, if I had made an off-hand offer of a wager to Mr. Perry, I would've offered about $30, which I estimate is that fraction of my net worth equivalent to the value of 10 g's to a man of Mr. Romney's significant wealth (in excess of $200 million, by most accounts). Of course, that wouldn't get me even the door at Tiffany's with Mr. and Mrs. Gingrich, and would amount to a valet parking tip for Mr. Santorum, but let's be real: if rank-and-file Republicans really cared about appearing cluelessly invested in the 1 percent as much as some of them demonize Mormonism as a cult, then Romney wouldn't have a snowball's chance. Populist demagoguing against the rich isn't going to hurt Romney as much as with the GOP base as in the general election, and to the extent that other GOP candidates use it, it reflects their cynical willingness to bash Romney on something that doesn't really bother most Republicans that much, in order to avoid having to directly appeal to anti-LDS bigotry.

1 comment:

梁爵 said...

2020.05.04酒店工作因為一名酒店S女公關的確診,造成全台酒店、舞廳無限期停業,收入靠酒客的酒店上班坐檯小姐頓失每月數十萬元的收入,紛紛開始找副業度過難關。據八大行業透露,不少酒店小姐轉行當foodpanda(空腹熊貓)、Uber Eats的外送員,因收入不夠支出,還會再兼職當傳播妹,上月底有酒客到台中市KTV時,找熟識、現在酒店PT失業的酒店小姐外送到包廂坐檯,該酒店打工小姐進包廂時,還穿著熊貓制服,也讓酒客莞爾,小姐致歉兼撒嬌「工作難找啊!」知名八大行業酒店經記梁曉尊說,他旗下有130多個坐檯小姐,這次「被停業」後,小姐急著找副業拚經濟,有人當起超商店員,有人花了兩千多元跟熊貓買了相關的制服、設備,兼差當起美食外送員,還有人變成網拍業者,忙著拿貨,上網拍賣,擔心一個不小心就喝西北風,但也有人乾脆當放長假休息,不過每天都會有小姐打電話詢問「老闆,什麼時候要開工?」。梁小尊說,這次停業對酒店業造成的影響真的很大,他有個小姐是高雄人,年紀才20多歲,2年前才到台中工作,當酒店小姐的收入不錯,每個月都有10幾、20幾萬,今年初才剛買千萬的房產,準備在台中定居當台中人,每月要繳的房貸要5萬多元,現在突然沒工作,只能趕快找兼差,期待政府趕快想開,宣布讓酒店等特種行業復業。酒店經紀梁小尊/梁曉尊說,現在不少酒店的坐檯小姐都轉行當傳播妹,外送到各個知名KTV,因為此次政府宣布停業的是酒店、舞廳跟有男女陪伺的視聽業,一般的KTV不受到影響,不過酒客沒了酒店,還是要喝酒,有包廂的KTV就變成最好的去處。梁曉尊/梁小尊說:上月底才跟朋友去台中市一家KTV唱歌,因為知道認識的酒店小姐沒工作,打電話聯絡小姐到包廂坐檯,小姐出現在包廂時,他跟朋友看到都笑出來,因為小姐已經兼差當起熊貓外送,沒空換上漂亮的禮服就衝到KTV,擔心客人找別的小姐,所以連衣服都不換,趕緊衝到包廂內上工。