

This talk should be right up my alley.

Many Cafe Scientifique talks are aimed at sharing the actual research of a scientist in our community with the general public. As such, they are fascinating but unlikely to become part of a high school science class. But Dr. Ray Hall's talk is part of the warp and woof of every science curriculum worthy of its name. I might even have something to contribute to this topic meself. After all, I have to teach some aspects of this in order to be effective.

This will take place Monday evening, at Lucy's Lair, starting at 6:30 PM. If you love science, and you will be in the Fresno County area tomorrow night, why not join us?


Sadly, this is not about Dr. Hall's talk, which was excellent, or about Cafe Scientifique, which offers free science content for laypeople and is thus aces in my book.

It's about a comment left on this blog. I've traced it to one Dennis Markuze, who also goes by the name David Mabus and is a well-known Internet troll, banned at various sites (including YouTube) and who is obviously delusional. I don't mean the ordinary garden-variety delusions of (raises guilty hand) of people of faith, or even the somewhat harder-to-defend tropes of young earth creationism or climate change denial.

No, I mean truly deluded, truly in need of medical attention. The fellow believes, for example, that reptilian space aliens inhabit the Denver Airport:

No. Not joking. So apparently I shouldn't take the comments personally. He does this to anyone and everyone he thinks needs to hear about his 'discoveries.' So, with all respect to Dr. Hall, who maintained that the demarcation problem reveals a fuzzy boundary, I don't need any particular philosophy of science to determine that Mr. Markuze is beyond the pale.


Scott Hatfield . . . . said...

Sorry, but you seem to have confused me with somebody else.

I am not an atheist.

I am a high school science teacher who happens to also be a Christian. In fact, I cheerfully participate in a local chapter of 'Reasons to Believe".

It is true that I have friends who are non-believers. So what? I do not believe that God condemns those who have honest doubt, nor do I agree that some of the things you posted apply to all atheists. I think you paint with too broad a brush.

I encourage you to contact me via email (epigene13@gmail.com) if you are interested in discussing these or related matters.

Firmly....Scott Hatfield

Scott Hatfield . . . . said...

Interestingly enough, the comment that I am responding to here has vanished, as if the commenter wished to pretend they never commented.


That's OK, gentle reader. Here are some of the highlights from the (now-erased) original post:



you little liars do nothing but antagonize…

and you try to eliminate all the dreams and hopes of humanity…

but you LOST…


(Please insert Comic Sans font)

Marella said...

Sorry to hear you're still caught up in all that magical stuff but I expect reality will assert itself eventually.

What I'd really like to know is what are all the ASTERISKS for? I have seen another post like this recently and I assume it's the same guy, it's weird.