Here's a much-publicized event: the discovery of a 47-million-year-old primate fossil. It's a gorgeous specimen that provides significant new information about the history of primates, and there's going to be a documentary airing on The History Channel which, based upon their recent efforts, will probably be entertaining and informative. I know I'll be watching. Google has commemorated the event with one of their banner tributes:
All well and good. But in the middle of this media blitz, there is more than a bit of hype. There's the usual breathless prose claiming that this specimen is 'a missing link' that 'changes everything' about what we know about the origins of mankind. Well, let me be blunt: this is crap, and one of the sure signs of lousy science journalism is when you see the term 'missing link'. At best, this term is speculative and of little use to working scientists. At worst, it's a deeply misleading and unrealistic trope about the fossil record.
Look, people: all of those hominid fossils, all of them? With a few possible exceptions of older females with well-preserved pelvic regions, we have no clue as to whether there is any likelihood any of the individual organisms of which we have specimens had any offspring, ever! Most of them probably didn't, frankly . . . and there is no guarantee that any of those that did that would have any living ancestors today, because there is no way to know if any of their offspring lived to reproduce. In the near future, the emerging Neanderthal genome may allow us to identify many genes that are strongly conserved between the former and our own genus, but that tells us nothing about whether any of the specimens are ancestral to anyone.
Rather, what we see is a pattern of change between different specimens that have 'transitional features', and paleontologists prefer to speak of 'transitional features', rather than the special case of 'transitional forms', and they almost entirely eschew the expression 'missing link' The latter implies common descent between the specimen in question and other species, and this is not justified from the data. Even the case of 'transitional forms' is tricky, because true transitions within a lineage are not documented except in those rare cases where we see continual deposition in the same environment for extended periods of time.
It is an interesting fact that Gould studied snail populations that fit this case, and that the populations he studied by and large showed stasis, a predictable consequence of evolutionary theory. "Punctuated equilibria" was simply Gould's term for the pattern often observed when there is high resolution in the fossil record: long periods of stabilizing selection, interrupted by bursts of evolution when environmental conditions change. Creationists routinely misread this as somehow constituting 'proof' that there is something fundamentally wrong about Darwin's theory, and their clumsy attempts to shoehorn their misconceptions into the literature are aided and abetted when journalists (even well-meaning ones) use the unfortunate term 'missing link.'
Posted by
Scott Hatfield . . . .
10:11 AM
Labels: science education
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新北市土城警分局一名偵查佐於3日與酒店打工女性友人到台北新兒童樂園玩,6日晚間採檢確診,據台北市衛生局公布的足跡來看,確診女性友人是酒店上班制服酒店小姐,有老司機就大曝這家制服酒店的新鮮玩法,比照澳門桑拿做出「櫥窗大魚缸」噱頭,將坐檯小姐放在櫥窗內,供上門的客人挑選。指出,這名現年31歲的土城分局偵查佐,主要擔任鑑識工作,在夜店認識這名自稱大體化妝師的女子卻在6日雙雙採檢確診,事後該名女子也被起底,發現她是中山區的酒店工作制服酒店坐檯小姐,,據表示,該酒店的坐檯小姐上班時身穿火辣性感服飾,吸引客人上門消費。有老司機透露,原本疫情前這間酒店底單為1350元,但是疫情後調整為1500元,另外還需要支付少爺小費1千元,加上疫情停業影響,店家也開始加收包廂費,如果是單人的包廂費用為500元,平常包廂費用則收取約1千元左右,營業時間從傍晚5點開始至隔天上午7點多左右結束。熟知酒店文化的酒店經紀表示,制服店的酒店小姐沒有便服店或禮服店的坐檯小姐外型亮眼,必須靠大膽作風吸引客群,治裝上也以「稀少布料」為主,這位確診的酒店小姐店家,甚至推出新的選妹方式,俗稱「櫥窗大魚缸」,就是讓酒店公關坐檯小姐全部在櫥窗內讓客人挑選,有老司機表示,素質不比便服店、禮服店小姐外貌來的好看。這間酒店業者店接獲消息後也自主停業3天,針對店內環境進行清消,甚至還要求所有酒店應徵員工快篩,若出現不適症狀者,也立刻到醫院進行PCR檢測。 除此之外,高雄也爆出酒店上班群聚疫情累計112人確診,除了雅閣、金芭黎、帝堡等3家娛樂場,幾乎老司機常去的場所全部淪陷,其中,苓雅區的典璦SPA會館對外以婚紗會館的名義經營,私底下卻是業界知名的「半套店」,頗受年輕老司機的歡迎。根據高雄市府昨天公布新增59例的海量確診足跡,上頭驚見「酒店上班名單」,包括雅閣會館、金芭黎舞廳、帝堡101會館全中鏢,根據統計,這波娛樂場所染疫事件,累積至8日已造成112人確診。另外,今天新增58個確診個案中,又有50例屬於娛樂場所,根據公布的足跡,除了已有群聚事件的AGO雅閣私人會館、帝堡一零一會館之外,不少網友注意起足跡中包含大帝國舞廳、王牌精品會館、金色養生館以及紅樓夢男模會所、典璦美容美體會館等。其中,苓雅區的典璦SPA美容美體對外以婚紗會館名義經營,私底下卻是業界知名的「半套店」,2020年曾被警方查獲從事半套性交易被判罰,根據當時的判決,半套的「消費」是1600元。會館還有經營臉書、IG等社群媒體,內容可看出店內小姐都穿著女僕裝、旗袍、水手服、黑絲白襯衫OL裝等,制服控的客人可以隨意挑選,是頗具知名度的娛樂場所。
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