

Our church took the above picture a few Sundays back for the church's web site. You can spot me, standing a little higher than most, behind the sign. Some of our pastors are kneeling on the grass in the foreground. Not very slick, and it's just as well. We're many things at Memorial, but slick is not one of them. If we ever decide to go the grinding self-promotion route, we're going to have to farm that out to a professional, because it's just not our way.

That's not to say, though, that we don't try to promote ourselves. We do, especially around high holy days, as most churches do...which brings me, on a Sunday morning, to the point of this post: the high holy day of Easter has now come and gone, and I'm glad, and for two reasons.

First is that, as a church musician, there's a lot of extra work leading up to high holy days. It's expected that there will be a bigger production because of the day's importance in the liturgical calendar, and we are often reminded that these are opportunities to put the church's 'best foot forward' in terms of wooing potential new congregants, who are more likely to go to church on such days. In other words, Hatfield, make sure the music's good, we want to hook them if we can!

I don't worry my head too much about the last bit. It's manifestly a case of a human institution thinking in a self-serving way about how to not only perpetuate itself, but how to increase its' market share. I would love for my church to experience growth and be more effective at ministering to a greater number of people, and I hope that this will happen. But my primary interest in going to church is not to count the great cloud of witnesses, but to experience grace. Which, frankly, this sinner needs.

Which brings me to my second reason for being glad that Holy Week has run its' course. Over the last two Sundays (Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday) we've combined our two services into one, partly for logistical reasons, and partly to make sure that visitors to our church got to see every 'toe' of our 'best foot forward.' So it was on Easter that our opening processional was a kind of 'mashup' of a sequence intoned a capella, a choral introit, a processional hymn and a few minutes of progressive rock. I was proud of what we did, from the gentrifying traditional choir to the amateur musicians that I patiently rehearsed playing a groove in 5/4 to accompany 'Christ the Lord is Risen Today.' It was big, it was dramatic, it was different.

But it also departed from the experience that's been nurturing me: the 'contemporary worship service' at 9:30 that is my main charge is louder at times, yes, but it is by design more deliberately contemplative. In particular, the middle portion of the service really focuses more heavily on prayer and meditation and departs rather significantly from the 'happy-clappy' triumphalism of the megachurches I've experienced. I've been shocked to realize just how much this flavor of worship ministers to me personally, and this is precisely the thing that was lost when we had joint services. The nod to different styles of music, different approaches to liturgy, these made the transition...but what really made the service distinctive did not. And, while it was just two weeks, I really missed it and I'm glad to be getting back to my regular worship diet. I wonder what that says about me?


Anonymous said...

How do I get samples of your music? I have been meaning to ask you this for a while! :D

Scott Hatfield . . . . said...

Ah....I really need to put some stuff out there, even demo stuff. I just got an IPhone, so there's really no excuse for me not putting some mp3 files up.

Anonymous said...

So, you finally succumbed to the charms of the Apple. Sad. Remember, this was the accursed fruit that eventually got poor Eve into a lot of trouble... There ought to a Biblical sanction or something against apples - you are of course more knowledgeable in this than I am!

Just kidding! :D

Now that you have an iPhone that has a fairly good camera, just an MP3 will not be good enough. We want youtube videos - oh, yeah!!


(Don't make me fly all the way to the West coast for this...)

Anonymous said...

only retards go to church

Scott Hatfield . . . . said...

Here's hoping that no one who would be offended by that remark will ever read it. If your thing is to bag on religion, knock yourself out. But let's bag the term 'retards', OK? I've had many students who were in special ed, or who had relatives in special ed. These are fellow human beings, and this term is just offensive.

梁爵 said...

2020.05.26酒店小姐的基本介紹跟工作內容領檯: 在餐廳從事接待顧客工作,一般通稱領檯之工作人員,所負責的工作不外乎就是1.我在酒店上班的日子在餐廳門口迎接顧客,並引導入座2. 不敢來酒店上班-酒店打工的原因在門口歡送顧客酒店領檯通常的條件一定要比制服酒店公關漂亮,跟酒店公關一樣要坐檯才會有漂亮的收入! 通常客人沒有選到喜歡的酒店公關時,就會考慮點領檯來坐檯。所謂「特種行業」,係指酒店上班-酒店兼職-兼差如何達成人生的第一桶金「視聽歌唱業」、「理髮業」、「三溫暖業」、「舞廳業」、「舞場業」、「酒家業」、「酒吧業」及「特種咖啡茶室業」等八種行業,因其略分為八大類,故俗稱「八大行業」,以上酒店兼差不是一個複雜的工作環境?八種行業目前回歸由商業登記主管機關管理,其營業範圍職場須知 【酒店PT 】: 1、視聽歌唱業:指提供伴唱視聽設備,供人歌唱之營利事業。夢想在面前,卻少了一筆錢?人生夢想清單想出國、想買房,卻做不到?我們提供妳一個簡單的工作,只要有心,妳也能月入六位數。想脫貧?這次好機會別錯過。薪資超透明 月入10萬不是夢。酒店小姐一定有S嗎?老司機專業勸世文被贊爆八大行業指依「臺北市舞廳舞場酒家酒吧及特種咖啡茶室管理自治條例」管理之舞廳業、舞場業、酒家業、酒吧業、特種咖啡茶室業、視聽歌唱業、理容業及三溫暖業。